transaction is as below
To provide secure online transactions, we employ Internet"s Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology.
encrypts your personal information, including credit card number, name and address, so that it would not be read as
information travels over the Internet.
To check TLS Certificate information, you can right click the mouse and choose "Properties" & "Certificates".
Under Credit Card Purchase Protection service, e.g. Visa Verification Service, MasterCard Secure Code,
customers can enjoy safe and secure shopping by using their own credit card with specific password or security code.
Credit cards used for shopping should be valid and under the purchaser’s own name.
Where there are additional charges for delivery and/or installation, such charges will be set out separately for
your acknowledgement and confirmation prior to proceeding to payment.
You must arrange with us for delivery /
collection and installation of the ordered product(s) within 30 days from the date of the order as accepted by us.
Acceptance of orders is subject to our sole discretion. A final receipt will be issued to you when goods are delivered to your address, or goods are collected at our physical store (as the case may be).