![20210712_home gym_1240x531.jpg](https://api.fortress.com.hk/medias/20210712-home-gym-1240x531.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzODkxMjN8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhR0l4TDJnNU5DOHhNREE0TVRFeE1EZzFNVFl4TkM4eU1ESXhNRGN4TWw5b2IyMWxJR2Q1YlY4eE1qUXdlRFV6TVM1cWNHY3xjYTE0NzBiMmVmNzI1NjllMTQzYzNjYWFiM2VjYWVjODVmNmI5NTllOTAyYjRmZjJiNTc4Yjc3YTU0N2U4OGFj)
![20210712_home gym_750x422.jpg](https://api.fortress.com.hk/medias/20210712-home-gym-750x422.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTMxMzB8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhREZtTDJobU1pOHhNVFV4TkRNek56QTJOekF6T0M4eU1ESXhNRGN4TWw5b2IyMWxJR2Q1YlY4M05UQjROREl5TG1wd1p3fGVlMzhjMGE0NjVjYzIwNDdhNWU2MzlkYTRmNjliOGViZmMwMGQxMzUwNWZmMjU0NDk2NDE4NTY4MDhmMDhlMzY)
2025 Popular Home Gym - Muscle Training (Dumbbell/Strength Band) Shopping Guide & Recommendation
Are you trying to stay fit during this epidemic? Perhaps you are worried about getting infected in a gym full of people. Or, you’re worried your gym will be closed again suddenly if there is a surge of cases. Or your fitness regime is getting delayed again and again, because of work or family or other commitments. And your tummy seems to be getting bigger. OMG! But don’t worry, you can fix it. FORTRESS has a wide selection of fitness equipment to help you wake up your muscles and restore your body for the summer. Take a look and see what tips and products are suitable for you to work out at home.
(1) Exercise at home to level up.
Many people think fitness results are less effective if you work out or exercise at home. However, if you follow the principles below, you can get twice the results with half the effort!
1. You need to concentrate on your workout at home so put your phone away before you start.
2. Make sure you have enough space to exercise before you begin.
3. Don't be tempted to go too fast or exercise at too high intensity in every workout. This is the path to injuries.
(2) Tips before you exercise
1. Don't exercise when you are too full form a big meal or too hungry
2. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and use suitable equipment
3. Drink plenty of water to replenish water loss
4. Stretch and warm up or down for 5 to 10 minutes before and after your exercise
(3) Common home gym equipment
There are many types of equipment for home use, from resistance bands, to dumbbells and kettlebells. All are suitable for use in the house not only to build muscles, but also to improve your cardiovascular fitness!
Dumbbells are relatively small and easy to store away, but they can offer big benefits. Not only can you train your biceps and triceps, you can also add a chair or a small bench and train your whole body. That's why many fitness enthusiasts have a set of dumbbells at home. For beginners, you can watch TV, put on a facial mask and lift dumbbells at home as you reshape your body.
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(四) 懶人必備健肌儀